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Sustainability Manifesto


We live in a time of great changes. The planet is exploited beyond its limits and its equilibriums are in continuous transformation. We ourselves have changed the way we live and imagine our society. The fragile and vulnerable pay the price: those who are often left behind in this rush forward.


At Chiesi we believe it is necessary to take care of our planet and the people who inhabit it, rediscovering the value of mutual solidarity, aware that every individual, as well as every living being, is unique and irreplaceable.


This is why we want to provide the most fragile the confidence of a first-rate life science that knows how to closely listen to and understand them, as people rather than just as patients.


We want to act as a force for good, promoting a conscious and different way of doing business, with a positive impact on society and nature, treating resources in a circular way and creating a new harmony, finally sustainable. The well-being of all depends on this balance. And for us, this is the only true form of progress.


Our team of professionals works with motivation and openness as our culture teaches us, recognising the value of diversity.

